

E世博ESBALL的学生平等计划致力于促进多样性, 包容, and 股本 while promoting a campus learning environment that encourages and 支持 all students in persisting toward their educational goals by increasing their 保留 and graduation rates. The 学生权益计划 champions the rights of all students to meaningful educational opportunities and works to define and secure the full range of resources, 支持, 以及为受不成比例影响的学生提供这些机会所需的服务. The 学生权益计划 also provides leadership and accountability to resolve systemic inequities for all Butte College students through engaged research, 社区外展, 专业发展, and by expanding pathways for access and success and promoting a healthy and engaging campus climate.


The 学生权益计划 is established in order to ensure equal educational opportunities and outcomes for students and more specifically, to promote success for all student groups who experience disproportionate impact as indicated by data in the 学生权益 Plan. 学生公平计划旨在通过增加入学机会来缩小大学的公平差距, 课程完成, 英语和基本技能的完成, 度, 证书, and 转移 for disproportionately impacted students as measured by success indicators linked to the Student Success Scorecard.




数额: 35000.00
用于预定目的: 是的


项目办事员和四名学生助理. CCC的目标是“create a sense of unity, 理解, 以及E世博ESBALL多元化社区之间的相互尊重. 文化 & Community Center advocates for and empowers Butte College's diverse community by providing educational programs and cultural events in a safe and interactive environment where people gather to learn about themselves and others.”


在2018年秋季学期, 该中心服务了大约500名学生,并策划和/或参与了26项活动,包括, 但不限于, 以下活动:咖啡和谈话, 午餐 赛琳娜, Intersectionality in Queer Communities, UndocuAlly Conversations, and Day of the Dead Celebration. 在营火之后,CCC也成为了一个愈合的空间,包括愈合的圈子.



数额: 10000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

额外的学生俱乐部支持资金已用于支持印第安人俱乐部, 黑人学生会, 机甲, 太平洋岛民俱乐部, 亚洲学生协会, 以及有色人种学生俱乐部. 这些资金用于支持校外活动, 为俱乐部会议提供食物, 为BSU官员购买DNA测试, 支持互助会活动, 并提供4年的大学参观. 目标是提高学生在俱乐部和校园的参与度, 并为受到严重影响的学生提供社会和学术支持.










The 学生权益计划 is relatively new and has not yet gone through the Program Review process.





可衡量的学生公平计划目标的五个指标(访问, 保留, 转移, 完成转学水平的数学和英语, 和证书/学位完成)在2019-2022年学生公平计划中详细提供.


另外, the SEA Program goals are aligned with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success goals, 以及E世博ESBALL的战略方向和教育总体规划目标.



CCC的目标是“create a sense of unity, 理解, 以及E世博ESBALL多元化社区之间的相互尊重. 文化 & Community Center advocates for and empowers Butte College's diverse community by providing educational programs and cultural events in a safe and interactive environment where people gather to learn about themselves and others.” The primary goal of the CCC aligns with Butte College’s values of diversity and 股本 and is one of the few departments on campus solely dedicated to sharing these values with students 和工作人员.  为了使CCC成为学生的功能性和生产性空间, 我们需要雇一个全职的, 11个月的分类工作人员,负责开展活动和学生使用空间.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


E世博ESBALL的文化和社区中心自2011年以来一直存在. 这样才能完全运作, a full-time Special Programs Clerk is necessary in order to ensure adequate programming related to diversity and 包容, 学生使用空间的管理, 并监督学生助理,以支持相关的多样性, 股本, 为学生提供包容活动, 教师, 和工作人员. 我们的焦点小组数据来自不成比例的受影响的学生群体,包括非裔美国人, 印第安人, and Hispanic students suggests that these student groups need more visible demonstrations of their cultures represented on campus in order to feel connected, 在E世博ESBALL受到重视和培养. 为了达到学生公平计划中规定的学生公平目标, 我们需要更多像传统月这样的节目, 持续的基础. 全职的CCC职员将使我们有能力做到这一点.



The 学生权益计划 is requesting funding for an on-boarding event and a special graduation ceremony for Latinx students. 拉丁裔学生的入学活动, 以下简称Bienvenida(欢迎), 是邀请拉丁裔学生参加的庆典. This event will be organized and hosted by Butte College professionals who identify as Latinx and will take place within the first 3 weeks of the fall and spring semesters. The purpose of the Bienvenida is formally welcome new Latinx students to Butte College and to connect them with staff and resources.

The Latinx graduation ceremony is a celebration that will be culturally relevant and highlight the accomplishments of graduating Latinx students at Butte College. This event will take place at the end of the spring semester and will include a cultural ceremony, 是英语和西班牙语的吗. 将邀请毕业学生的家属.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


作为一个新的西班牙裔服务机构, E世博ESBALL必须承认和庆祝它的拉丁裔学生, 他们现在占我们学生总数的27%以上. 此外,我们的拉丁裔学生有很大的平等差距需要解决. Hispanic students report more than any other group a desire to involve family in their college experience: “So, 我觉得, 当他们上大学时, 让父母参与进来, 我明白上大学是成年人的事, 你应该自己做这件事. 但我只是觉得对于那些第一代, 刚从高中毕业的西班牙裔学生, 如果他们的父母能参与其中,那就太棒了, 知道他们的孩子在做什么, 并且有发言权, 种. 我觉得那太棒了, 和有用的, 对学生很有帮助, 因为它的, 你知道, 他们只是勉强承担起责任, 他们刚刚习惯成人的世界,所以, 是的.” On-boarding Latinx students with a family-friendly Bienvenida can be an important tool for student success and 保留, 正如奇科州立大学所展示的那样. The Bienvenida is a tool for 保留 by connecting students and 他们的家庭 to staff in order to create a community of support and networking for student success.

庆祝学生的成功, 尤其是那些贫富差距较大的国家, 对校园社区很重要吗. 它影响到毕业的学生, 他们的家庭, 支持他们的工作人员, and provides an opportunity for students who are still enrolled or potential students who attend the ceremony to see others from their communities graduate from college. 基于身份的毕业在高等教育中很常见.


策略3 - LGBTQ项目和活动的资助

The 学生权益计划 is requesting funds for LGBTQ programming and activities for 2019-2020. 与新成立的酷儿资源中心(QRC)和性别与性别平等特别工作组合作, 这些资金将用于针对lgbtq的项目和活动, 包括更多的安全区培训和来自LGBTQ社区的演讲嘉宾. 这笔资金也可用于购买安全性产品和跨性别男性的胸夹.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


LGBTQ students are new to the student 股本 dashboard and show significant 股本 gaps in 课程完成 outcomes. 咨询GSET后, 同性恋教职员工, 以及格伦中心的学生, it became clear that more education on LGBTQ issues for those who do not identify as LGBTQ is necessary. LGBTQ students also suggested that programming about the LGBTQ experience would help them feel connected to and valued at Butte College. Those who work in the QRC identified safe sex products and chest binders as resources that LGBTQ students have requested.





学生公平和成就计划 funding from the CCCCO will support all 学生权益计划 requests. 


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 学生权益计划 人员 $0.00 $65,000.00
CCC的目标是创造一种团结的感觉, 理解, 以及E世博ESBALL多元化社区之间的相互尊重. 文化 & Community Center advocates for and empowers Butte College's diverse community by providing educational programs and cultural events in a safe and interactive environment where people gather to learn about themselves and others.� The primary goal of the CCC aligns with Butte College�s values of diversity and 股本 and is one of the few departments on campus solely dedicated to sharing these values with students 和工作人员. 为了使CCC成为学生的功能性和生产性空间, 我们需要雇一个全职的, 11个月的分类工作人员,负责开展活动和学生使用空间. E世博ESBALL的文化和社区中心自2011年以来一直存在. 这样才能完全运作, a full-time Special Programs Clerk is necessary in order to ensure adequate programming related to diversity and 包容, 学生使用空间的管理, 并监督学生助理,以支持相关的多样性, 股本, 为学生提供包容活动, 教师, 和工作人员. 我们的焦点小组数据来自不成比例的受影响的学生群体,包括非裔美国人, 印第安人, and Hispanic students suggests that these student groups need more visible demonstrations of their cultures represented on campus in order to feel connected, 在E世博ESBALL受到重视和培养. 为了达到学生公平计划中规定的学生公平目标, 我们需要更多像传统月这样的节目, 持续的基础. 全职的CCC职员将使我们有能力做到这一点.
  • 学生公平和成就计划
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
  • 加强专业发展
2 学生权益计划 营业费用 $0.00 $20,000.00
The 学生权益计划 is requesting funding for an on-boarding event and a special graduation ceremony for Latinx students. 拉丁裔学生的入学活动, 以下简称Bienvenida(欢迎), 是邀请拉丁裔学生参加的庆典. This event will be organized and hosted by Butte College professionals who identify as Latinx and will take place within the first 3 weeks of the fall and spring semesters. The purpose of the Bienvenida is formally welcome new Latinx students to Butte College and to connect them with staff and resources. The Latinx graduation ceremony is a celebration that will be culturally relevant and highlight the accomplishments of graduating Latinx students at Butte College. This event will take place at the end of the spring semester and will include a cultural ceremony, 是英语和西班牙语的吗. 将邀请毕业学生的家属. 作为一个新的西班牙裔服务机构, E世博ESBALL必须承认和庆祝它的拉丁裔学生, 他们现在占我们学生总数的27%以上. 此外,我们的拉丁裔学生有很大的平等差距需要解决. Hispanic students report more than any other group a desire to involve family in their college experience: �So, 我觉得, 当他们上大学时, 让父母参与进来, 我明白上大学是成年人的事, 你应该自己做这件事. 但我只是觉得对于那些第一代, 刚从高中毕业的西班牙裔学生, 如果他们的父母能参与其中,那就太棒了, 知道他们的孩子在做什么, 并且有发言权, 种. 我觉得那太棒了, 和有用的, 对学生很有帮助, 因为它的, 你知道, 他们只是勉强承担起责任, 他们刚刚开始适应成人的世界, 是的.� On-boarding Latinx students with a family-friendly Bienvenida can be an important tool for student success and 保留, 正如奇科州立大学所展示的那样. The Bienvenida is a tool for 保留 by connecting students and 他们的家庭 to staff in order to create a community of support and networking for student success. 庆祝学生的成功, 尤其是那些贫富差距较大的国家, 对校园社区很重要吗. 它影响到毕业的学生, 他们的家庭, 支持他们的工作人员, and provides an opportunity for students who are still enrolled or potential students who attend the ceremony to see others from their communities graduate from college. 基于身份的毕业在高等教育中很常见.
  • 学生公平和成就计划
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
3 学生权益计划 营业费用 $0.00 $15,000.00
The 学生权益计划 is requesting funds for LGBTQ programming and activities for 2019-2020. 与新成立的酷儿资源中心(QRC)和性别与性别平等特别工作组合作, 这些资金将用于针对lgbtq的项目和活动, 包括更多的安全区培训和来自LGBTQ社区的演讲嘉宾. 这笔资金也可用于购买安全性产品和跨性别男性的胸夹. LGBTQ students are new to the student 股本 dashboard and show significant 股本 gaps in 课程完成 outcomes. 咨询GSET后, 同性恋教职员工, 以及格伦中心的学生, it became clear that more education on LGBTQ issues for those who do not identify as LGBTQ is necessary. LGBTQ students also suggested that programming about the LGBTQ experience would help them feel connected to and valued at Butte College. Those who work in the QRC identified safe sex products and chest binders as resources that LGBTQ students have requested.
  • 学生公平和成就计划
  • 解决健康/生命/安全问题
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
  • 加强专业发展