2021-22 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

机构进步办公室包括公共关系, marketing, and the Butte College Foundation.  E世博ESBALL基金会是一个501 (c)3非营利组织,其存在是为了帮助E世博ESBALL的使命受益. Founded in 1992, 基金会有一个志愿者董事会,他们致力于帮助比特学院完成服务所有学生的使命. 该基金会每年发放600多个奖学金,根据其规模和员工人数,该基金会的表现优于其他基金会. 该基金会还致力于为E世博ESBALL的项目和服务(如承诺项目)筹集资金. The Advancement Office also manages public relations, marketing, and advertising on behalf of the college, with the goal of increasing branding and enrollment.

Program Description

机构进步办公室区域的行政单位成果如下所示,用于e世博官方网站营销和公共关系目标. 机构发展协助学院做广告, branding, marketing and meeting enrollment management objectives.
评估机制:主要的评估机制是与e世博官方网站管理委员会密切合作,制定广告和数字营销策略和活动,以产生e世博官方网站. 每个e世博官方网站管理活动评估投资回报率和成功. 
结果分析:分析每个活动后的报告,以确定哪些活动是成功的. 利用地区基金,我们每年两次为巴特县和格伦县的所有居民制作明信片. TV, print ads, 以及通过点击付费广告和youtube上的广告进行数字营销活动, Facebook, and other top social media sites.  e世博官方网站管理委员会一直支持增加数字营销,并将其视为一个重点领域.  e世博官方网站管理委员会为一年一度的搜索引擎营销活动提供了财政资源,结果非常积极, 为我们的网站带来了成千上万的点击量,并增加了ccapp的应用.   


评估机制:学院跟踪积极的当地媒体剪辑的百分比和积极的总印象.   我们的办公室还向社区提供年度报告.


结果分析:在过去的一年里,学院追踪了超过1000个正面的媒体片段.  对这些结果进行评价,以确定肯定的百分比,并每月向审计委员会报告这一资料.  These monthly positive rates are 99.5 percent positive.
机构进步办公室包括501c3非营利基金会的运作,并对基金会进行日常监督, 100 endowments, donations, 600 student scholarships, 80 department accounts, and two large events per year.  The Foundation has a volunteer board of directors.

1.  The college leadership has the planning processes, 数据资源和协作机制,有效地协调机构努力完成任务, support student learning, and implement strategic initiatives.  
     -  Assessment Mechanisms:   Scholarship Distribution
     -  Assessment Cycle:  Ongoing.  基金会每年向600名学生发放奖学金.
 -  Analysis of Results.  In a recent survey of similar Foundations in California, 发现E世博ESBALL基金会为600名学生提供了奖学金. 

2. The college and its programs have the support, collaborative mechanisms, 以及获取和成功管理支持创新和学生成功的外部资源的结构.g. grants, gifts, bequests, donations, etc.)  
      -评估机制:通过赠款收到的款额共计$28,000, 我们提供的奖学金数量增加了62%, and increased donations. 此外,基金会还管理着80个机构/部门账户

     -  Assessment Cycle:  Ongoing.
    目前,基金会管理着100个捐赠基金,我们的语料库已经增加到4美元.6 million, up from $2 million in 2012.  

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1


Amount: 250000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

The advertising campaigns were very successful. 我们的冬/春和夏/秋活动能够追踪到超过1,200名未来的学生点击了我们的社交媒体和谷歌广告,开始申请.  This is a great return on our campaigns.我们通过社交媒体、谷歌、电视广告和广播收集了成千上万的印象. Our direct mail postcard was distributed to 100,000 homes. Additionally, 我们追踪了Facebook上的效果和点击率, YouTube, Spotify, OTT and TV.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


我们的活动重点是帮助那些入学人数也很低的院系. 我们面临的挑战是由于营火和COVID-19导致的入学人数减少.

E世博ESBALL基金会已制作了一份年度成果说明书,详细说明该基金会提供给地区的具体利益. The net benefit to the District is $2.400万的奖学金、助学金、计划捐赠和实物捐赠. 这些直接使学院、学生和教师受益.




我们的办公室制作了两个反映多样性的大型营销和广告活动,我们的广告活动是用英语和西班牙语制作的. 我们这些活动的主要目标是吸引未来的学生.

E世博ESBALL基金会为学生提供紧急补助金和笔记本电脑. 该基金会还管理了一项名为“周二捐赠”的大型筹款活动,以帮助支持学生, staff and faculty.

Strategic Direction


Maximizing resources to support student learning -基金会的筹款努力使学生获得奖学金. 

Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success -基金会管理资助机会,以帮助学生和教师. 基金会每年的春季晚会表彰两位杰出的校友, 除了筹集资金来支持奖学金和e世博官方网站.

Program Review



Department Goals

由于COVID-19,我们办公室的重点是增加入学率. 我们系已经申请了几次资助机会,以协助e世博官方网站管理, marketing, and recruitment activities. 

基金会有了一位新的发展官员,并制定并批准了一项新的年度筹款计划,为承诺奖学金计划和奖学金筹集资金,以造福学生, faculty and staff in the years to come.

Future Development Strategies

策略1 -加强广告活动与搜索引擎营销和社会媒体

Due to COVID  and Camp Fire, Butte College needs to continue to invest in advertising, search engine marketing, in an on going effort to increase enrollment.

 这些资金将通过电视广告创建两个增强的广告和数字营销活动, digital social media, 以及为期一年的搜索引擎营销活动,让E世博ESBALL在谷歌等主要搜索引擎上出现, Yahoo, and Bing, along with Snap Chat, Tik Tok, Reddit, Next, and others. 这些资金将包括夏/秋和冬/春两个完整的广告活动.

我们的办公室将在每次活动结束后进行活动结束报告,以确定其成功与否. 我们还可以识别诸如接到的电话等详细信息, number of direct applications to CCC Apply, web analytics on Butte.edu pages, etc.



  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

学院必须尽其所能增加e世博官方网站人数,留住现有学生. 随着入学人数的减少,需要加大广告力度,并找到一种追踪结果的方法.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No

Strategy 2 - Hire Admin Secretary

The Office of Institutional Advancement is in need of a .行政职位,为机构发展和办公室主任提供行政支持.  

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

制度进步办公室迫切需要行政支持. 机构推进办公室没有行政人员.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No

策略3 -将公关/市场专员提升为MSC的后援

体制进步司司长需要一名后备新闻干事,协助处理媒体关系和危机管理. 建议将Christian Gutierrez从机密级提升到MSC,以便在需要时作为主管的后备协助.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

PIO的角色是一个关键的位置,唯一填补这个角色的人是机构发展主任, who is also the Executive Director of the Foundation. 在假期和/或危机情况下,有一个备用方案是很重要的.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: Yes
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

基金会将提交一份使用75美元部分资金的提案,000 reimbursement to the District per Title V, to fund the .30 administrative position as well.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Institutional Advancement Office Operating Expenses 110001101671000 55820 $400,000.00 $0.00
加强广告活动与搜索引擎营销,数字营销社会媒体 该提案每年为两项活动提供资金,其中包括一项强有力的社交媒体活动, along with TV, cable, OTT, and Tik Tok, SnapChat, and You Tube. 它还包括为期一年的搜索引擎营销活动,让E世博ESBALL在谷歌等主要搜索引擎上出现, Yahoo, and Bing. 这一努力为YouTube和Facebook等其他付费社交媒体上的两场大型活动提供了资金, Tik Tok, Snap Chat, Reddit, etc. 该学院需要专门的预算用于搜索引擎营销,以发展在线业务. 我们的办公室将监测和评估我们的活动的成功,并根据需要做出改变,以取得更大的成功. 这还包括一些西班牙语广告以及巴特县和格伦县的广告牌.
  • Implementing the 2019-2020 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
  • Closing Equity Gaps
2 Institutional Advancement Personnel 110001101671000 55820 $0.00 $15,000.00
公关/市场专员晋升为高级公关/市场专员,分类为MSC 此请求是将Christian Gutierrez从公关/营销专员(分类)提升为高级公关/营销专员(MSC),以便在总监不可用的情况下处理PIO职责. 培训克里斯蒂安·古铁雷斯作为媒体关系和危机沟通的备用首席信息官是至关重要的.
  • Health/Life/Safety
  • Strengthening Professional Development
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications
3 Institutional Advancement Personnel 110001101671000 55820 $0.00 $24,480.00
Administrative Secretary 机构进步办公室要求持续预算的30%,即24美元,因为我们有20%的职位在2020年1月空缺. This would provide a .行政秘书,协助院校发展办公室.
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Implementing the 2019-2020 Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications